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24 June 2024 - 31 December 2025
Value4Pack Call for Cooperation Proposals
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Open until 31 December 2025


To be considered for the Value4Pack call for cooperation proposals, applicants must meet the following core requirements:

1. Legal and Non-Legal Entities:

Applicants must be an established legal entity, or apply together with one, within the EU, such as an SME, university, NPO, association, start-up, large company or research and technological centre.

While non-legal entities such as individual innovators or informal groups can apply, they must identify a suitable host legal entity (such as a business, university, or research institution) to support and formalize their application.

2. Relevance to the Food Packaging Sector and alignment with 4R Goals:

    The proposal must be directly related to the food packaging sector, align with at least one of the EU 4R goals: Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and it should not lead to an increase of food loss or reduction of shelf-life.

    The idea should clearly demonstrate how it addresses specific challenges within the food packaging value chain, such as sustainability, efficiency, or regulatory compliance.

    3. Innovation Focus:

    The idea should be industry-driven, aiming to address specific challenges and innovation gaps identified in the food packaging sector, as outlined in the call for cooperation proposals, prioritizing solutions for less developed regions.

      Applicants should demonstrate the potential for their idea to have a significant impact on improving practices, processes, or materials used in food packaging.

      The idea must show novelty and a clear value proposition, distinguishing it from existing solutions in the applied regional market.

      4. Completeness and compliance:

        Applications must be complete, providing all requested information and adhering to the submission guidelines and templates provided.

        Compliance includes, but is not limited to, regulations related to environmental impact, food safety, consumer protection, and waste management.

        The proposal should also adhere to ethical standards and practices, ensuring transparency, fairness, and respect for all stakeholders involved.

        5. Collaboration:

        All participants must be open to collaborate with other stakeholders in a multi-actor business case. Individual project ideas will not be considered.

          The idea should demonstrate potential for collaboration with other stakeholders in the value chain, including manufacturers, suppliers, and recyclers.

          Preference will be given to ideas that expect interregional cooperation and knowledge sharing within the EU.

          6. Feasibility and Implementation:

          The proposed idea must be feasible and implementable within the current technological and economic landscape.

          Applicants should provide a clear roadmap or plan for how the idea will be developed, tested, and potentially scaled to the target region.

          Evidence of preliminary research, prototyping, or pilot testing will strengthen the application.

          By meeting these eligibility criteria, applicants will ensure that their ideas are aligned with the objectives of the Value4Pack project, contributing to the advancement of sustainable and innovative practices within the food packaging sector.

          Organised by
          Spain 19
          Belgium 12
          France 12
          Hungary 10
          Lithuania 9
          Poland 8
          Finland 6
          Italy 5
          Slovenia 3
          Latvia 2
          Türkiye 1
          Netherlands 1
          Sweden 1
          India 1
          Total 90